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The science of healthy living

The word Ayurveda is derived from Sanskrit and consists of "ayuh" which means science and the word "veda" which means life. Ayurveda is an empirical science that developed several thousand years ago in the region of present-day India. For several hundred years, Rishis, who can well be described as the researchers and sages of the time, empirically researched life and the connections between humans (microcosm) and the universe (macrocosm).

The knowledge gained from this was partly written down in Vedic texts and partly only passed on orally. 

The quintessence of Ayurveda is its holistic and individual approach. 

In Ayurveda therapy, methods are offered to alleviate the symptoms of complaints, but we always pursue one thing: to treat the cause of the ailment.

Ayurveda therefore aims for long-term success and the design of an individually healthy and fulfilling life. 


The deeper you dive into Ayurveda, the more you will go through life-changing processes and gain more understanding of yourself, your individuality, your health and your way of life.


You will learn exactly the tools you need to achieve the best health and fulfillment in your life.

Ayurvedic therapy

In Ayurveda therapy you bring your personal wishes and goals for yourself, your life and your health. We work holistically in Ayurveda, which means that we not only include the body in the treatments, but also your lifestyle, your diet, your mindset and your spirituality.


We get to know each other in an initial consultation and define your personal therapy goal. It is my job to accompany you in the process to your goal and to get you exactly where you want to go. You will receive a physical therapy plan throughout the therapy so that you can always fall back on the resources you have developed. 

Constitution analysis

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In Ayurveda, every human being is seen as a unique individual. There are three bioenergies, called DOSHAS, which are divided into VATA, PITTA and KAPHA.

These energies rule in everything that lives - only in different proportions.

The dominance of the DOSHAS is also individual for each person.

Depending on the DOSHA distribution, there are different characteristics and properties in our mind and body.

In Ayurveda we respect this individuality and the therapeutic approach builds on the constitution. Diet, lifestyle and manual therapy are adjusted on the basis of this constitutional analysis.


In this session you will find out which DOSHA distribution prevails in your body and mind and thus form the basis for a better understanding of you, your uniqueness and how you deal with yourself.

Introduction to Ayurveda

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You want to know if Ayurveda is right for you?


In an approx. 30-minute exchange with me, I will tell you more about the possibilities of Ayurveda and therapy and how it can make a difference in your life. This introduction to Ayurveda gives you a perfect overview of what Ayurveda means, how it is structured and what the therapy can do for you.

The exchange takes place online via Zoom and thus offers you maximum flexibility.


Ideal if you can't imagine anything about Ayurveda and therapy and are curious!

Book your consultation

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