About me
I'm so happy that you are here!
Of course you want to know who you are getting involved with in therapy. No tool in the world replaces a face-to-face encounter, but I'm happy to give you some information about myself.
Also check out my Instagram channel where I share more about my life and all things Ayurveda & Yoga.
The way of finding my passion
One of my favorite life quotes is: I practice what I preach. And this is exactly where my passion for Ayurveda, Yoga and Pilates comes from: from experience.
Everything I pass on to others, I have experienced myself in some form. I found my way from classical ballet to Yoga and Pilates. And from conventional medicine to Ayurveda. Nothing we practice in the modern West comes close to the wisdom of Eastern ancient science and philosophy. Ayurveda and Yoga are millennia-old systems that capture health, wellbeing and spirituality holistically. From my experience, I always missed a holistic aspect to do things. My earlier health problems were never put into a larger context. And many symptoms could be alleviated, but the cause of them could not be fathomed and treated.
The search for holistic systems finally brought me to Ayurveda. Suddenly so much about my health made sense. I learned to deal with my own individuality and to perceive myself as my own best authority. By that I mean that we ourselves always know best what is good for us. But we have forgotten how to sense this, to live it, to follow it. Ayurveda is a simple system - although it may seem overwhelming at first. In principle it is about finding your way back to your individual balance in all areas of life.
Yoga, on the other hand, is the spiritual practice that helps us achieve heightened awareness. For a long time I was only interested in the physical "fitness" part that comes from practicing Yoga Asanas (positions). It took me a while to understand:
Yoga is the path that leads you to yourself and at the same time connects you to all that is.
This may sound very spiritual - it is also in fact a highly spiritual practice. For many people it is difficult to get emotionally involved in their own spirituality, because in our society such values are dismissed.
I hear you. I was in the exact same place. And very often my head would fight against the things that my teachers or my own yoga practice wanted to teach me. Because none of this is "logical". Because it's all "esoteric".
I invite you to show you that these philosophies are not irrational at all.
They are science, revelation, experience.
Join me with an open heart and mind and you will see what amazing treasure is waiting for you.